Flowers – Colors, Meanings, Suggestions etc.

Floriography is the language of flowers. In the Victorian age and days of Shakespeare this was a sought after art. The types of flowers, the colors and even the floral arrangements conveyed a message. Over the centuries, this art was mostly lost with the general public and mainly became an educational and florists mainstay. The below charts tries to present this art in a relatively simpler to understand way so that you too can be confident in the flowers you choose.

But remember, while these charts and tons of other literature in libraries and online can educate you, above all the flowers you select comes from you and represents / conveys your thoughts and as such should be your choice based on personal preferences and likes / dislikes of both the donor and recipient, and other sentimental values. So use these as a quick reference only without being overwhelmed – who knows you, your recipient and your particular situation better than you!

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